There are some rules that come with this award. The rules for this award are as follows:?
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.?
Thank you Tonya! I was pleasantly surprised.?
2. Include a link to their site.

3. Include the award image in your post.
(See it up there?)?
4. Give 7 random facts about yourself.
1. I grew up in South Dakota. ?I moved to Arizona for a teaching job.
2. I met my husband in a chat room in 1998.
3. We got married on 4-4-04! (in a gazebo on a rainy day along a creek by a friend who was ordained online without our parents in attendance... ?We later had 2 wedding receptions. One in South Dakota with my family and one in NYC with his family.)
4. I taught special education for 10 years before switching to 1st grade.
5. I love to use coupons at the grocery store. ?I love getting FREE and cheap things. ?I have a small stockpile built up. (nothing crazy like Extreme Couponers though) BUT- I don't cook! (usually) ?My husband loves to cook. ?He gets home before me and usually has dinner done when I get home! {are you jealous?!}
Spent $48.64, saved $261.64 (85%)
6. I love post-it notes. ?I own a ridiculous amount of them.
7. I took our son to a birthday party that had a magic show. ?I got picked from the crowd to have a sword put through my throat. ?I still don't know how this trick worked!
6. When nominating, include a link to their site.?
7. Let other bloggers know they've been nominated.I'm working on it.
Thanks again Tonya!
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