New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (credit: Governor?s Office)
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) - One month after superstorm Sandy, Gov. Andrew Cuomo says New Yorkers are recovering well, with one notable exception.
WCBS 880?s Marla Diamond On The Story
?We?re getting many, many complaints from people who say ?We have insurance coverage, but we can?t contact the insurance company. We cant get adjusters to show up at the property,?? Cuomo said Thursday.
Cuomo has ordered insurance companies to follow up on claims within six days or be fined $1,000 per case.
?Frankly, this is a health and safety issue and people need heat on and they need the electricity on,? Cuomo said.
He urges homeowners to start work before the adjuster arrives and document everything.
Cuomo also announced today that, at his direction, Department of Financial Services (DFS) Superintendent Benjamin M. Lawsky will continue the moratorium barring insurance companies from cancelling or terminating homeowners? and small business owners? insurance policies in storm stricken areas for any reason, including non-payment of premiums, for an additional 21 days through December 15.
At the governor?s direction, Lawsky launched an online report card system concerning insurance companies who are operating in the areas that were affected by Hurricane Sandy.
Cuomo said this action will hold insurance companies accountable to consumers and allow New Yorkers to see the performance of their insurance company compared to other companies. The report cards will be published on the DFS website and will be frequently updated. They will be available at www.NYInsure.ny.gov.
Among other criteria, insurance companies will be graded on:
? Number of claims and dollar amount of claims
? Average time for an adjuster to inspect
? Number of claims closed with and without payment so far
? Amount of claims paid so far
? Total number of consumer complaints
? Number of complaints as a percentage of number of claims
DFS will be publishing report cards on the following companies:
? Nationwide
? Liberty Mutual
? Hartford
? FM Global
? Allstate
? Chartis/AIG
? State Farm
? Utica National
? Zurich
? Metropolitan
? Narraganset Bay Insurance Company
? Arch
? New York Central Mutual
? Amtrust Financial
? Travelers
? Tower
? Adirondack Insurance Exchange
? Chubb
? Andover
? Assurant
Have you had trouble with your insurance company since Sandy? Please share your story below.
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